Medycyna behawioralna – najnowsze trendy w farmakoterapii i suplementacji przy leczeniu zaburzeń zachowania kotów - Vetkompleksowo – serwis dla lekarzy weterynarii

Medycyna behawioralna – najnowsze trendy w farmakoterapii i suplementacji przy leczeniu zaburzeń zachowania kotów

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  11. Jenkins T.A., Nguyen J.C.D., Polglaze K.E., Bertrand P.P.: Influence of Tryptophan and Serotonin on Mood and Cognition with a Possible Role of the Gut-Brain Axis. „Nutrients”, 2016, 8 (1), 56.
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  13. Lamminen T., Korpivaara M., Suokko M., Aspegrén J., Palestrini C., Overall K.: Efficacy of a Single Dose of Pregabalin on Signs of Anxiety in Cats during Transportationv – a pilot study. „Frontiers in Veterinary Science”, 2021, 8 (September), 711816.
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  17. Overall K.L., Dunham A.E.: Clinical features and outcome in dogs and cats with obsessive-compulsive disorder: 126 cases (1989-2000). „Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association”, 2002, 221 (10), 1445-1452.
  18. Pero M.E., Cortese L., Mastellone V., Tudisco R., Musco N., Scandurra A., D’Aniello B., Vassalotti G., Bartolini F., Lombardi P.: Effects of a Nutritional Supplement on Cognitive Function in Aged Dogs and on Synaptic Function of Primary Cultured Neurons. „Animals: An Open Access. Journal from MDPI”, 2019, 9 (7), 393.
  19. Reichling J., Frater-Schröder M., Herzog K., Bucher S., Saller R.: Reduction of Behavioural Disturbances in Elderly Dogs Supplemented with a Standardised Ginkgo Leaf Extract. „Schweizer Archiv Für Tierheilkunde”, 2006, 148 (5), 257-63.
  20. Riemer S., Heritier C., Windschnurer I., Pratsch L., Arhant C., Affenzeller N.: A Review on Mitigating Fear and Aggression in Dogs and Cats in a Veterinary Setting. „Animals (Basel)”, 2021, 11 (1). DOI:
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  23. Rozental A.J., Gustafson D.L., Kusick B.R., Bartner L.R., Cruz Castro S., McGrath S.: Pharmacokinetics of Escalating Single-Dose Administration of Cannabidiol to Cats. „Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics”, 2022. DOI:
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  27. Wang T., Zakharov A., Gomez B., Lyubimov A., Trottier N.L., Schwark W.S., Wakshlag J.J.: Serum Cannabinoid 24 h and 1 Week Steady State Pharmacokinetic Assessment in Cats Using a CBD/CBDA Rich Hemp Paste. „Frontiers in Veterinary Science”, 2022, 9, 895368.
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z Kliniką Zwierząt Gospodarskich
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