Nowoczesne metody leczenia niepłodności u klaczy

Nowoczesne metody leczenia niepłodności u klaczy


Allen W.R., Wilsher S., Morris L., Crowhurst J.S., Hillyer M.H., Neal H.N.: Laparoscopic application of PGE2 to re-establish oviducal patency and fertility in infertile mares: a preliminary study. „Equine Vet J”, 2006, 38 (5), 454-459.Alvarenga M.A., Segabinazzi L.G.: Application of Misoprostol as a treatment of unexplained infertility in mares. „J Equine Vet Sci”, 2018, 71, 46-50.Ávilaa A.C.A., Castro Diniz N., Torres Serpaa R., de Castro Chaves M.M.B., de Oliveira Viub M.A., de Oliveira R.A.: Effectiveness of Ozone Therapy in The Treatment of Endometritis in Mares. „Journal of Equine Veterinary Science”, 2022, 112, 103900.Bartmann C.P., Stief B., Schoon H.A.: Thermal injury and wound healing of the endometrium subsequent to minimally invasive transendoscopic use of Nd:YAG-laser-and electrosurgery in horses. „Dtsch Tierarztl Wochenschr”, 2003, 110 (7), 271-80.Claes A., Stout T.A.E: Success rate in a clinical equine in vitro embryo production program. „Theriogenology”, 2022, 187, 215-218.Ferris R.A., McCue P.M., Borlee G.I., Glapa K.E., Martin K.H., Mangalea M.R., Hennet M.L., Wolfe L.M., Broeckling C.D., Borlee B.R.: Model of chronic equine endometritis involving a Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm. „Infect Immun”, 2017, 85, e00332-17.Galli C., Duchi R., Colleoni S.: Ovum pick up, intracytoplasmic sperm injection and somatic cell nuclear transfer in cattle, buffalo and horses: from the research laboratory to clinical practice. „Theriogenology”, 2014, 81, 138-151. Inoue Y.: Hysteroscopic hydrotubation of the equine oviduct. „Eq Vet J”, 2013, 45, 761-765.Köhne M., Hofbauer L., Böttcher D., Tönissen A., Hegger A., Görgens A., Ulrich R., Sieme H: Comparison of systemic trimethoprim-sulfadimethoxine treatment and intrauterine ozone application as possible therapies for bacterial endometritis in equine practice. „Front Vet Sci”, 2023, 10, 1102149.Mccue P., Ferris R.A.: Formulary and Protocols in Equine Reproduction. Colorado State University, 201...

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