Stany zapalne macicy u krów

Stany zapalne macicy u krów


Cormican P. et al.: Evolution, expression and effectiveness in a cluster of novel bovine β-defensins. „Immunogenetics”, 2008, 60, 147-56.Davies D. et al.: Toll-like receptor and antimicrobial peptide expression in the bovine endometrium. „Reprod Biol Endocrinol”, 2008, 6, 53.Gilbert R.O. et al.: Subclinical endometritis. Prevalence of endometritis and its effects on reproductive performance of dairy cows. „Theriogenology”, 2005, 64, 1879-88.Gilbert R.O. et al.: The relationship between postpartum uterine bacterial infection (BI) and subclinical endometritis (SE). „J Dairy Sci”, 2007, 90, 469.Herath S. et al.: Expression and function of toll-like receptor 4 in the endometrial cells of the uterus. „Endocrinology”, 2006, 147, 562-70.LeBlanc S.J.: Interactions of Metabolism, Inflammation, and Reproductive Tract Health in the Postpartum Period in Dairy Cattle. „Reprod Dom Anim”, 2012, 17, 18-30.LeBlanc S.J. et al.: Defining and diagnosing postpartum clinical endometritis and its impact on reproductive performance in dairy cows. „Journal of Dairy Science”, 2002, 85, 2223-2236.LeBlanc S.J. et al.: The effect of treatment of clinical endometritis on reproductive performance in dairy cows. „Journal of Dairy Science”, 2002, 85, 2237-2249.McDougall S.: Effect of intrauterine antibiotic treatment on reproductive performance of dairy cows following periparturient disease. „New Zealand Veterinary Journal”, 2001, 49, 150-158.Mulligan F.J. et al.: A herd health approach to dairy cow nutrition and production diseases of the transition cow. „Anim Reprod Sci”, 2006, 96, 331-53.Niozas G. et al.: Extended lactation in high-yielding dairy cows. I. Effects on reproductive measurements. „J Dairy Sci”, 2019, 102, 799-810.Potter T. et al.: Risk factors for clinical endometritis in postpartum dairy cattle. „Theriogenology”, 2010, 74, 127-34.Roach D.R. et al.: TNF regulates chemokine induction essential for cell recruitment, granuloma formation, and clearance of mycobact...

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