Problemy zdrowotne i żywieniowe psów seniorów - Vetkompleksowo – serwis dla lekarzy weterynarii

Problemy zdrowotne i żywieniowe psów seniorów


Azkona G., García-Belenguer S., Chacón G.: Prevalence and risk factors of behavioural changes associated with age-related cognitive impairment in geriatric dogs. “J Small Anim Pract.”, 2009, 50, 87-91.Borgarelli M., Haggstrom J.: Canine degenerative myxomatous mitral valve disease: natural history, clinical presentation and therapy. “J Vet Intern Med.”, 2009, 23, 536-43.Davies M.: Geriatric screening in first opinion practice – results from 45 dogs. “Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract.”, 2012, 42, 823-34.Fahey G.C. Jr, Barry K.A., Swanson K.S.: Age-related changes in nutrient utilization by companion animals. “Annu Rev Nutr.”, 2008, 28, 425-45.Fortney W.D.: Implementing a successful senior/geriatric health care program for veterinarians, veterinary technicians, and office managers. “Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract.”, 2012, 42, 615-29.Hall J.A., Jewell D.E.: Feeding healthy beagles medium-chain triglycerides, fish oil, and carnitine offsets age-related changes in serum fatty acids and carnitine metabolites. “J Small Anim Pract.”, 2012, 53, 507-13.Hall J.A., Tooley K.A., Gradin J.L.: Effects of dietary n-6 and n-3 fatty acids and vitamin E on the immune response of healthy geriatric dogs. “Am J Vet Res.”, 2003, 64, 762-72.Metzger F.L., Rebar A.H.: Clinical pathology interpretation in geriatric veterinary patients. “Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract.”, 2010, 40, 651-63.Hoskins J.D.: Geriatria i gerontologia psów i kotów. Wydawnictwo Galaktyka, Łódź 2006.Middelbos I.S., Vester B.M., Karr-Lilienthal L.K.: Age and diet affect gene expression profile in canine skeletal muscle. “PLoS One.”, 2009, 4, 4481.Sharma D.: Hemangiosarcoma in a geriatric Labrador retriever. “Can Vet J.”, 2012, 53, 889-92.Swanson K.S., Belsito K.R., Vester B.M.: Adipose tissue gene expression profiles of healthy young adult and geriatric dogs. “Arch Anim Nutr.”, 2009, 63, 160-71.Ter Haar G., de Groot J.C., Venker-van Haagen A.J.: Effects of aging on inner ear morphology in ...

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