Zaćma – uciążliwe powikłanie w przebiegu cukrzycy psów - Vetkompleksowo – serwis dla lekarzy weterynarii

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Zaćma – uciążliwe powikłanie w przebiegu cukrzycy psów


Appel S.L., Maggs D.J., Hollingsworth S.R.: Evaluation of client perceptions concerning outcome of cataract surgery in dogs. „J.A.V.M.A”, 2006, 228, 870-875.Beam S., Correa M.T., Dawidson M.G.: A retrospective – cohort study on the development of cataracts in dogs with diabetes mellitus: 200 causes. „Vet. Ophtalmol.”, 1999, 2, 169-172.Clerc. B.: Cristallin. [W:] Ophtalmologie Veterinaire. Le Point Veterinaire, Maison-Alfort 1997.Ettl A., Daxer A., Gottinger W.: Inhibition of experimental diabetic cataract by topical administration of RS-verapamil hydrochloride. „Brit. J. Ophtalmol.”, 2004, 88, 44-47.Fernandez M.M., Afshari N.A: Cataracts: we have perfected the surgery. But is it time for prevention? „Curr. Opin. Ophtalmol.”, 2011, 22, 2-3.Galego M.P., Safatle A.M.V, Otsuki D.: Comparison of anterior ocular segment structures in healthy dogs, with diabetic or no diabetic cataract by ultrasound biomicroscopy. „Pesquisa Vet. Brasil.”, 2012, 32, 66-71.Gonzales-Alonso-Alegre E., Rodriguez-Alvaro A.: Spontaneous resorption of a diabetic cataract in a geriatric dog. „J. Small Anim.Pract.”, 2005, 46, 406-408.Good K.L., Maggs D.J., Hollingsworth S.R.: Corneal sensitivity in dogs with diabetes mellitus. „Am. J. Vet. Res.”, 2003, 64, 7-11.Kador P.F., Betts D., Wyman M.: Effects of topical administration of an aldose reductase inhibitor on cataract formation in dogs fed a diet high in galactose. „A. J. Vet. Res.”, 2006, 67, 1783-1787.Kador P.F., Webb T.R., Bras D.: Topical KINOSTAT ameliorates the clinical development and progression of cataracts in dogs with diabetes mellitus. „Vet. Ophtalmol.”, 2010, 13, 363-368.Klein H.E., Krohne S.G., Moore G.E.: Postoperative complications and visual outcomes of phacoemulsification in 103 dogs (179 eyes): 2006-2008. „Vet. Ophtalmol.”, 2011, 14, 114-120.Madany J.: Zaćma u psów w przebiegu cukrzycy. „Med. Weter.”, 2003, 59, 603- 607.Nielsen C.B.: Cataracts in dogs with diabetes mellitus. „Dansk Veterinaertidsskrift”, 2...

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