Zwichnięcie gruczołu trzeciej powieki - Vetkompleksowo – serwis dla lekarzy weterynarii

Zwichnięcie gruczołu trzeciej powieki

  1. Miller P.E.: Essentials of Veterinary Ophtalmology. Pod red. K. Gelatt. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadephia 2000, s. 113.
  2. Chahony S.I., Crasta M., Trio St., Clerc B.: Three cases of prolapse of the nicticans gland in cats. „Vet. Opht.”, 2004, 7 (2), 113.
  3. Dugan S.J., Severin G.A., Hungerford L.L.: Clinical and histological evaluation of the prolapsed third eyelid gland in dogs. „J. of the Am. Vet. Med. Ass.”, 1992, 15, 201, 1861.
  4. Saito A., Watanabe I., Kotani T.: Morphologic changes of the anterior corneal epithelium caused by third eyelid removal in dogs. „Vet. Opht.”, 2004, 7, 113.
  5. Kaswan R.L., Martin C.L.: Surgical correction of the third eyelid prolapse in dogs. „J. of the Am. Vet. Med. Assotiation”, 1985, 186 (1), 83.
  6. Saito A., Izumisawa Y., Yamashita K.: The effect of third eyelid gland removal on the ocular surface of dogs. „Vet. Ophthalmology”, Mar 2001.
  7. Morgan R.V., Duddy I.M., McClurg K.: Prolapse of the gland of the third eyelid in dogs: a retrospective study of 89 cases. „J. of the Am. Animal Hosp. Ass.”, 1993, 29, 56.
  8. Maggs D.J., Miller P.E., Ofri R.: Okulistyka weterynaryjna Slattera. Elsevier Urban & Partner, Wrocław 2009.
  9. Gelatt K.N., Gilger B.C., Thomas J.: Veterinary Ophthalmology. Wiley, Ames Iowa 2013.
  10. Edelman M.L., Miyadera K., Iwabe S., Komaromy A.M.: Investigating the inheritance of prolapsed nicticantic membrane glands in a large canine pedigree. „Veterinary Ophthalmology”, 2013.
  11. Gelatt K.N., Gelatt J.:Veterinary Ophthalmic Surgery. Saunders-Elsevier, Wrocław 2011.
  12. Saito A., Watanabe Y., Kotami T.: Morphologic changes of the anterior corneal epithelium caused by third eyelid removal in dogs. „Vet. Ophthalmology”, Mar – Apr. 2004.
lek. wet. Paweł Stefanowicz
Przychodnia Weterynaryjna Retina
30-318 Kraków, ul. Rolna 1

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