Nowe koncepcje i techniki w leczeniu ochwatu – patomechanizm

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Nowe koncepcje i techniki w leczeniu ochwatu – patomechanizm


Allen D., Clark E.S., Moore J.N. et al.: Evaluation of equine digital Starling forces and hemodynamics during early laminitis. „Am J Vet Res”, 1990, 51, 1930-1934.Asplin K.E., Sillence M.N., Pollitt C.C., McGowan C.M.: Induction of laminitis by prolonged hyperinsulinaemia in clinically normal ponies. „The Veterinary Journal”, 2007, 174 (3), Tonnerre D.J., Medina Torres C.E., Stefanovski D. et al.: Effect of sirolimus on insulin dynamics in horses. „J Vet Intern Med”, 2023, 37 (2), 703-712.Ding J., Shi M., Wang L., Qi D., Tao Z., Hayat M.A., Wang, H.: Gene Expression of Metalloproteinases and Endogenous Inhibitors in the Lamellae of Dairy Heifers With Oligofructose-Induced Laminitis. „Frontiers in Veterinary Science”, 2020, 7.Eades S.C.: Sepsis Related Laminitis. „In Equine Laminitis”, 2017, 191-195.Elliott J., Bailey S.R.: A review ofcellular and molecular mechanisms in endocrinopathic, sepsis-related and supporting limb equine laminitis. „Equine Vet J”, 2023, 55 (3), 350-375.Galantino-Homer H., Brooks S.A.: Genetics and Signaling Pathways of Laminitis. „Veterinary Clinics of North America – Equine Practice”, 2020, 36 (2), 379-394.Luthersson N., Mannfalk M., Parkin T., Harris P.: Laminitis: Risk factors and outcome in a group of Danish horses. „Journal of Equine Veterinary Science”, 2016.Kolstrung R., Silmanowicz P., Stachurska A.: Pielęgnacja i podkuwanie kopyt koni. Państwowe Wydaw. Rolnicze i Leśne, 2004.Kuryszko J., Zarzycki J.: Histologia zwierząt domowych. Państwowe Wydaw. Rolnicze i Leśne, 2000.Medina-Torres C.E., Underwood C., Pollitt C.C., Castro-Olivera E.M., Hodson M.P., Richardson D.W., van Eps A.W.: Microdialysis measurements of lamellar perfusion and energy metabolism during the development of laminitis in the oligofructose model. „Equine Vet J”, 2016, 48 (2), 246-252.Medina-Torres C.E., Underwood C., Pollitt C.C., Castro-Olivera E.M., Hodson M.P., Richardson D.W., van Eps A.W.: The effect of weightbearing and limb loa...

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