Podstawowe zasady oceny badań laboratoryjnych stosowanych w diagnostyce zakażeń Mycoplasma spp. u bydła. Najczęstsze błędy przedlaboratoryjne i interpretacyjne
Alberti A., Addis M.F., Chessa B., Cubeddu T., Profiti M., Rosati S., Ruiu A., Pittau M.: Molecular and antigenic characterization of a Mycoplasma bovis strain causing an outbreak of infectious keratoconjunctivitis. „J. Vet. Diagn. Invest.”, 2006, 18: 41-51.
Cai H.Y., Bell-Rogers P., Parker L., Prescott J.F.: Development of a real-time PCR for detection of Mycoplasma bovis in bovine milk and lung samples. „J. Vet. Diagn. Invest.”, 2005, 17: 537-545.
Doig P.A.: Bovine genital mycoplasmosis. „Can. Vet. J.”, 1981, 22: 339-343.
Dudek K., Bednarek D.: Zapalenia płuc u bydła wywoływane przez wybrane gatunki mykoplazm. „Weterynaria w Terenie”, 2016, 10: 46-49.
Friis N.F.: Selective isolation of slowly growing acidifying mycoplasmas from swine and cattle. „Acta Vet. Scand.” 1979, 20: 607-609.
Gioia G., Werner B., Nydam D.V., Moroni P.: Validation of a mycoplasma molecular diagnostic test and distribution of mycoplasma species in bovine milk among New York State dairy farms. „J. Dairy Sci.”, 2016, 99: 4668-4677.
Hermeyer K., Peters M., Brügmann M., Jacobsen B., Hewicker-Trautwein M.: Demonstration of Mycoplasma bovis by immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization in an aborted bovine fetus and neonatal calf. „J. Vet. Diagn. Invest.”, 2012, 24: 364-369.
Kinde H., Daft B.M., Walker R.L., Charlton B.R., Petty R.: Mycoplasma bovis associated with decubital abscesses in Holstein calves. „J. Vet. Diagn. Invest.”, 1993, 5: 194-197.
Lamm C.G., Munson L., Thurmond M.C., Barr B.C., George L.W.: Mycoplasma otitis in California calves. „J. Vet. Diagn. Invest.”, 2004, 16: 397-402.
Langford E.V., Leach R.H.: Characterization of a mycoplasma isolated from infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis: M. bovoculi sp. nov. „Can. J. .Microbiol.”, 1973, 19: 1435-1444.
Maeda T., Shibahara T., Kimura K., Wada Y., Sato K., Imada Y., Ishikawa Y., Kadota K.: Mycoplasma bovis-associated suppurative otitis media and pneumonia in bull calves. „J. Comp...
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