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Halliwell R.E.W., Gordon C.M., Horvath C.: IgE and IgG antibodies to food antigens in sera from normal dogs, dogs with atopic dermatitis and dogs with adverse food reactions. [W:] Hillier A., Foster AP.., Kwochka K.W.: Advances in Veterinary Dermatology. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing 2005: 28-35.
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Jackson H., Murphy KM., Tater K.C., et al.: The pattern of allergen hypersensitivity (dietary or environmental) of dogs with non seasonal atopic dermatitis cannot be differentiated on the basis of historical or clinical information: a prospective evaluation 2003-2004. „Veterinary Dermatology”, 2005; 16: 200
Jackson H.A., Jackson M.W. et al.: Evaluation of the Clinical and Allergen Specific Serum Immunoglobulin E Responses to Oral Challenge with Cornstarch, Corn, Soy and Soy Hydrolysate Diet in Dogs with Spontaneous Food Allergy. „Vet. Dermatol.”, 2003; 14: 181-187.
Kunkle G., Horner S.: Validity of skin testing for diagnosis of food allergy in dogs. „Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association”, 1992; 200: 677-680.
Lemon-Mule H., Sampson H.A., Sicherer S.H. et al.: Immunologic changes in children with egg allergy ingesting extensively heated egg. „Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology”, 2008; 122: 977-983.
Nowak-Wegrzyn A., Bloom K.A., Sicherer S.H. et al.: Tolerance to extensively heated milk in children with cow’s milk allergy. „Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology”, 2008; 122: 342-347.
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