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Wybrane aspekty oceny ściany przewodu pokarmowego psów i kotów w badaniu ultrasonograficznym


Penninck D.G., Nyland T.G., Fisher P.E., Kerr L.Y.: Ultrasonography of the normal canine gastrointestinal tract. „Vet Radiology”, 1989, 30, 272-276.

Thierry F., Ferreira M.F., Paterson G.K., Liuti T., Del-Pozo J.: Canine and feline emphysematous gastritis may be differentiated from gastric emphysema based on clinical and imaging characteristics: Five cases. „Vet Radiol Ultrasoun”, 2019, 60, 136-144.

Roux A.B.L., Granger L.A., Wakamatsu N., Kearney M.T., Gaschen L.: Ex vivo correlation of ultrasonographic small intestinal wall layering with histology in dogs. „Vet Radiol Ultrasoun”, 2016, 57, 534-545.

Rault D.N., Besso J.G., Boulouha L., Begon D., Ruel Y.: Significance of a common extended mucosal interface observed in transverse small intestine sonograms. „Vet Radiol Ultrasoun”, 2004, 45, 177-179.

Penninck D.G., Webster C.R.L., Keating J.H.: The sonographic appearance of intestinal mucosal fibrosis in cats. „Vet Radiol Ultrasoun”, 2010, 51, 458-461.

Louvet A. Denis B.: Ultrasonographic diagnosis – small bowel lymphangiectasia in a dog. „Vet Radiol Ultrasoun”, 2004, 45, 565-567.

Gladwin N.E., Penninck D.G., Webster C.R.: Ultrasonographic evaluation of the thickness of the wall layers in the intestinal tract of dogs. „Am J Vet Res”, 2014, 75 (4), 349-53. DOI: 10.2460/ajvr.75.4.349. PMID: 24669918.

Isaya R., Ciccarelli S., Enache D. et al.: Gastrointestinal ultrasonographic findings in cats with Feline panleukopenia: a case series. „BMC Vet Res” 2021, 17, 20. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12917-020-02720-w.

Grooters A.M., Miyabayashi T., Biller D.S., Merryman J.: Sonographic appearance of uremic gastropathy in four dogs. „Vet Radiol Ultrasoun”, 1994, 35, 35-40.

Gaschen L. et al.: The effects of food intake and its fat composition on intestinal echogenicity in healthy dogs. „Vet Radiol Ultrasoun”, 2016, 57, 546-550.

Fitzgerald E., Barfield D., Lee K.C.L., Lamb C.R.: Clinical findings and results of diagnostic imaging...

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