Różnicowanie korowo-rdzeniowe

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Różnicowanie korowo-rdzeniowe – nieoczywisty objaw ultrasonograficzny w ocenie nerek psów i kotów


Seiler G.S., Cohen E.B., d’Anjou M.A., French J., Gaschen L., Knapp S., Salwei R.M., Saunders H.M.: ACVR and ECVDI consensus statement for the standardization of the abdominal ultrasound examination. „Vet Radiol Ultrasound”, 2022, 63 (6), 661-674. DOI:10.1111/vru.13151.

Drost W.T., Henry G.A., Meinkoth J.H., Woods J.P., Lehenbauer T.W.: Quantification of hepatic and renal cortical echogenicity in clinically normal cats. „Am J Vet Res”, 2000, 61 (9), 1016-1020. DOI:10.2460/ajvr.2000.61.1016.

Yeager A.E., Anderson W.I.: Study of association between histologic features and echogenicity of architecturally normal cat kidneys. „Am J Vet Res”, 1989, 50 (6), 860-863.

Yabuki A., Endo Y., Sakamoto H., Nagayoshi T., Matsumoto M., Suzuki S.: Quantitative assessment of renal cortical echogenicity in clinically normal cats. „Anat Histol Embroyol”, 2008, 37 (5), 383-386. DOI:10.1111/j.1439-0264.2008.00866.x.

Rubin J.M., Carson P.L., Meyer C.R.: Anisotropic ultrasonic backscatter from the renal cortex. „Ultrasound Med Biol”, 1988, 14 (6), 507-511. DOI:10.1016/0301-5629(88)90112-3.

Yan G.Y., Liu P.C., Kang M.J., Li W.S., Lee Y.H., Chen K.S.: Evaluation of renal cortical echogenicity in healthy cats using anisotropic backscatter artifacts and echogenicity differences among internal organs. „Vet Q”, 2023, 43 (1), 1-7. DOI: 10.1080/01652176.2023.2177773

Lee J., Kim S.S., Kwon D., Cho Y., Lee K., Yoon H.: Measurement of renal cortical thickness using ultrasound in normal dogs: a reference range study considering bodyweight and body condition score. „Vet Radiol Ultrasound”, 2022, 63 (3), 337-344. DOI:10.1111/vru.13053.

Choo D., Kim S.S., Kwon D., Lee K., Yoon H.: Ultrasonographic quantitative evaluation of acute and chronic renal disease using the renal cortical thickness to aorta ratio in dogs. „Vet Radiol Ultrasound”, 2023, 64 (1), 140-148. DOI:10.1111/vru.13154.

Hart D.V., Winter M.D., Conway J., Berry C.R.: Ultrasound appearance of the ...

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