Niedokrwistości ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem anemii immunohemolitycznych – cz. II - Vetkompleksowo – serwis dla lekarzy weterynarii

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Niedokrwistości ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem anemii immunohemolitycznych – cz. II

Other Hereditary Defects

Familial nonspherocytic hemolytic anemia has been reported in poodles. Despite extensive studies, the defect behind this disorder could not be determined, but PK deficiency cannot be ruled out. A mild hemolytic anemia with reticulocytosis, slightly increased erythrocyte osmotic fragility, shortened erythrocyte life span, and normal erythrocyte morphology has been reported in beagle dogs. A membrane defect was suspected.

Splenic Disorders

Disorders that cause splenomegaly may result in a syndrome called hypersplenism, where phagocytosis of blood cells is increased. Increased erythrophagocytosis and anemia occur in various hemophagocytic disorders, most notably in hemophagocytic histiocytic sarcoma, which typically involves the spleen. Erythrocyte destruction can occur secondary to splenic torsion, where stagnation and breakdown of blood results in hemoglobinuria.

Immune-Mediated Hemolytic Anemia

The binding of antibodies and/or complement to erythrocyte surfaces can result in phagocytosis by macrophages and, in some cases, intravascular hemolysis. Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA) may be primary or it may occur secondarily to rickettsial, bacterial, protozoal, viral, or hemotropic mycoplasmal infections; neoplasia (especially lymphomas); and exposure to toxins or drugs. Vaccination with polyvalent vaccines has been incriminated as a trigger of IMHA in dogs, but subsequent studies were not able to verify this association. In an autoimmune response, antibodies are directed against self-antigens on erythrocytes. In secondary immune-mediated disorders, the immune response is directed against foreign antigens or altered self-antigens, with inadvertent erythrocyte injury (4, 10, 12).

Erythrocyte Parasites

Erythrocyte parasites include intracellular protozoal parasites (Babesia species, Theileria species, and Cytauxzoon felis), intracellular rickettsial organisms (Anaplasma species), and epicellular Mycoplasma specie...

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