Dermatozy twarzy u kotów
Angus J.C.: Dermatology Secrets: Pemphigus Foliaceus in Cats. Proceeding of the NAVC North American Veterinary Conference, 2005.Bond R., Curtis C.F., Ferguson E.A.: An idiopatic facial dermatitis of Persian cats. „Vet. Dermatol”, 2000, 11, 35-41.Chandler E.A., Gaskel C.J., Gaskell R.M.: Feline Medicine and Therapeutics. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford 2004.Chung T.H., Ryu M.H., Kim D.Y.: Topical tacrolimus (FK506) for the treatment of feline idiopathic facial dermatitis. „Aust Vet J.”, 2009 Oct; 87, 417-420.Delucchi L., Castro E.: Use of doramectin for treatment of notoedric mange in five cats. „J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc.”, 2000, 216, 215-21.Fondati A.F., Luis D.F.: Histopathological study of feline eosinophilic dermatoses. „Vet. Dermatol.”, 2001, 12, 333-338.Fontane J., Heimann M.: Idiopatic facial dermatitis of Persian cat; three cases controlled with cyklosporine. „Vet. Dermatol.”, 2004, 15 (supl 1.) 64.Gross T.L., Ihrke P.J., Walder E.J.: Skin diseases of dogs and cats: Clinical and histopathological diagnosis. Blackwell Science, Oxford 2005.Guaguere E., Degorce-Rubiales F.: Drug-induced erythema multiforme or drug-induced pemphigus foliaceus: a case report. „Vet. Dermatol.”, 15 (Suppl. 1), 57.Guaguere E., Prelaud P.: A practical guide to feline dermatology. Merial 1999.Mueller R.S.: Immune-mediated Skin Diseases 50° Congresso Nazionale Multisala SCIVAC. Rimini, Italia 2005.Olivry T., Chan L.S.: Autoimmune Blistering in Domestic Animals. „Clin. Dermatol.”, 2001,19:750-760.Thierry O.: A review of autoimmune skin diseases in domestic animals: I – Superficial pemphigus. „Vet. Dermatol.”, 2006, 17, 291-305.Otsuka M., Sonoda M.C., Larson C.E.: Canine and feline vitiligo in San Paulo (Brazil) clinical and epidemiological features. „Vet. Dermatol.”, 2004, 15 (supl 1) 53.Paterson S.: Skin diseases of the cat. Blackwell Science, 2000.Preziosi D.E., Goldschmidt M.H., Greek J.S.:. Feline pemphigus foliaceus: a retrospective analysis of 57 cases. „Vet.Derma...
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