Torbiele nerek – rodzaje i charakterystyka - Vetkompleksowo – serwis dla lekarzy weterynarii

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Torbiele nerek – rodzaje i charakterystyka


Zatelli A., Bonfanti U., D’Ippolito P.: Obstructive renal cyst in a dog: ultrasonography-guided treatment using puncture aspiration and injection with 95% ethanol. „J Vet Intern Med”, 2005, 19 (2), 252-254.

Park J., Moon C., Lee M., Lee H.B., Jeong S.M.: Surgical fenestration combined with omentalization for the treatment of renal cysts in 2 dogs. „Can Vet J”, 2019, 60 (10), 1104-1110.

Van Dyck R., Fina C., Buresova E., Paepe D., De Wilde H., Daminet S.: Successful management of a solitary simple renal cyst in a dog. „Vlaams Diergeneeskd Tijdschr”, 2018, 87 (3), 134-138.

Agut A., Soler M., Laredo F.G., Pallares F.J., Seva J.I.: Imaging diagnosis – Ultrasound-guided ethanol sclerotherapy for a simple renal cyst. „Vet Radiol Ultrasound”, 2008, 49 (1), 65-67.

Paskalev M., Lazarov L., Atanasov A.: A case of solitary renal cyst in a dog. „Bulg J Vet Med”, 2012, 15, 62-67.

Zatelli A., D’Ippolito P., Bonfanti U., Zini E.: Ultrasound-assisted drainage and alcoholization of hepatic and renal cysts: 22 cases. „J Am Anim Hosp Assoc”, 2007, 43 (2), 112-116.

Patel N.J., Brady R., Scharf V.F.: Single-incision laparoscopic deroofing and omentalization of a cystic renal adenoma in a dog. „J Am Anim Hosp Assoc”, 2020, 56 (6), 331.

Orioles M., Di Bella A., Merlo M., Ter Haar G.: Ascites resulting from a ruptured perinephric pseudocyst associated with a renal cyst in a dog. „Vet Rec Case Rep”, 2014, 2 (1), e000012.

Okeke A., Mitchelmore A., Keeley F., Timoney A.: A comparison of aspiration and sclerotherapy with laparoscopic de-roofing in the management of symptomatic simple renal cysts. „BJU Int”, 2003, 92, 610-613.

Murcia N.S., Sweeney W.E. Jr, Avner E.D.: New insights into the molecular pathophysiology of polycystic kidney disease. „Kidney Int”, 1999, 55, 1187-1197.

Beck C., Lavelle R.: Feline polycystic kidney disease in Persian and other cats: A prospective study using ultrasonography. „Aust Vet J”, 2001, 79, 181-184.

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