Aktualne spojrzenie na leczenie przewlekłej niewydolności nerek u kotów
Elliot J., Grauer G.F.: BSAVA Manual of Canine & Feline Nephrology & Urology. 2nd Edition, 2007.
Maurey C., Dufayet C.: Nefrologia i urologia psów i kotów. Wyd. I polskie, red. R. Lechowski, 2010.
Sparkes A.H., Caney s., Chalhoub S., Elliott J. Finch N. et al.: ISFM Consensus Guidelines on the Diagnosis and Management of Feline Chronic Kidney Disease. „Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery”, 2016, 18, 219-239.
Quimby J.M., Brock W.T., Moses K., Bolotin D., Patricelli K..: Chronic use of maropitant for the management of vomiting and inappetence in cats with chronic kidney disease: a blinded placebocontrolled clinical trial. „J Feline Med Surg”, 2015, Aug., 17 (8): 692-7.
Kidder A.C., Chew D.: Treatment Options for Hyperphosphatemia in Feline CKD: What’s Out there? „J. Feline Med Surg”, 2009, Nov., 11 (11): 913-24.
Hall J.A., Yerramilli M., Obare E., Yerramilli M., Yu S., Jewell D.E.: Comparison of Serum Concentrations of Symmetric Dimethylarginine and Creatinine as Kidney Function Biomarkers in Cats with Chronic Kidney Disease. „Vet J”, 2014, Dec., 202 (3): 588-96.
Relford R., Robertson J., Clements C.: Symmetric Dimethylarginine: Improving the Diagnosis and Staging of Chronic Kidney Disease in Small Animals. „Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract”, 2016, Nov., 46 (6): 941-60.
Hokamp J.A., Nabity M.B.: Renal biomarkers in domestic species. „Vet Clin Pathol”, 2016, 45 (1): 28-56.
Taylor S, Sparkes A.H.: Feline CKD: New horizons – where do we go from here? „J Feline Med Surg”, 2013, Sep., 15 Suppl 1: 45-52.
Korman R.M., White J.D.: Feline CKD current therapies. „J Feline Med Surg”, 2013, Sep., 15 Suppl 1: 29-44.
Reynolds B.S., Lefebvre H.P.: Pathophysiology and risk factors – what do we know? „J Feline Med Surg”, 2013 Sep.; 15 Suppl 1: 3-14.
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