Zaburzenia motoryki przewodu pokarmowego a skręt żołądka

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Zaburzenia motoryki przewodu pokarmowego – przyczyna czy następstwo skrętu żołądka u psów?


Brockman D.J.: Patophysiology associated with gastric dilatation-volvulus syndrome. [In:] Bojrab M. J., Monnet E.: Mechanisms of disease in small animal surgery. Teton New Media, Jackson 2010, 142-146.

Eggertsdóttir A.V., Stigen Ø., Lønaas L., Langeland M., Devor M., Vibe-Petersen G., Eriksen T.: Comparison of the recurrence rate of gastric dilatation with or without volvulus in dogs after circumcostal gastropexy versus gastrocolopexy. „Vet. Surg.”, 2001, 30 (6), 546-51.

Elwood C.M.: Risk factors for gastric dilatation in Irish setter dogs. „JSAP” 1998, 39, 4, 185-190.

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Gaynor A.R., Washabau R.J.: Risk factors for acquired megaesophagus in dogs. „JAVMA” 1997, 211 (11), 1406-1412.

Gazzola K.M., Nelson L.L.: The Relationship Between Gastrointestinal Motility and Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus in dogs. „Top Companion Anim Med.”, 2014, 29(3), 64-66.

Halfcare Z.: Gastric dilatation and volvulus and gastropexies. [In:] Griffon D., Hamaide A.: Complications in small animal surgery. John Wiley, Oxford 2016, 413-423.

Jennings P.B., Mathey W.S., Ehler W.J.: Intermittent gastric dilatation after gastropexy in a dog. „J Am Vet Med Assoc.”, 1992, 1, 200(11), 1707-1708.

Ohlsson B., Melander O., Thorsson O., Olsson R.: Oesophageal dysmotility, delayed gastric emptying and autonomic neuropathy correlate to disturbed glucose homeostasis. „Diabetologia” 2006, 49, 2010-2014.

Przywara J.F., Abel S.B., Peacock J.T., Shott S.: Occurence and recurrence of gastric dilatation with or without volvulus after icisional gastropexy. „Can. Vet. Journ.”, 2014, 981-984.

Schellenberg D., Glickman N.W., Glickman L.T.: Influence of thoracic conformation and genetics on the risk of gastric dilatation-volvulus in Irish setters. „J. Am. Anim. Hosp. Assoc.”, 1998, 34, 1, 64-73.

Spoo J.W., Shelton G.D.: Recurrent gastric dilatation and intestinal dysmotility possibly resulting from autonomic neurop...

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