Syndrom brachycefaliczny. Rozpoznanie, etiologia, interwencje chirurgiczne - Vetkompleksowo – serwis dla lekarzy weterynarii

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Syndrom brachycefaliczny. Rozpoznanie, etiologia, interwencje chirurgiczne

Brachycephalic obstructive syndrome. Diagnosis, underlying pathology, surgical interventions

The clinical signs of the upper respiratory syndrome in the BD usually include snoring, inspiratory dyspnea, exercise intolerance and stridor, cyanosis or even syncopal episodes in more severe cases. These problems usually aggravate with stress, exercise or heat. Labored breathing is accompanied by overdilatation of the chest since a higher negative pressure tends to suck the abdomen into the thoracic cavity. The condition usually aggravates with age. Vomiting or saliva regurgitation are also frequently encountered.

Particularities of brachycephalic dogs

Anatomic anomalies

Brachycephalic breeds are usually distinguished from others by their shortened skulls due to an early ankylosis of the cartilages of its basis. Different breeds are usually recognized as brachycephalic: Boston Terrier, English and French Bulldog, Pugs, Pekinese, Shi-tsu, Cavalier King Charles.


After birth the visceral cranium is undersized in comparison to the neurocranium. Postnatally there begins a pronounced growth of the viscerocranium which becomes more prominent than the neurocranium. Furthermore, the development of the viscerocranium has to be seen in close relation to the necessity of sufficient space for the teeth. With the development of the permanent teeth the face gets the characteristic expression.

CT-analysis and preparation showed that many of the complex alterations in brachycephaly arise from the highly shortened facial bones and the resulting dislocation of nasal structures caused by the dorsorotation of the teeth. Hennet and Harvey, followed by Noeller, stated that „Profound and severe brachycephaly is characterised by the dorsally rotated upper and lower jaw and an abnormal dislocation of the conchae with a steep course of the intranasal airways and the nasolacrimal drainage system. The severe stages of brachycephalia show a horizontally positioned...

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