Genetyka schorzeń układu ruchu - Vetkompleksowo – serwis dla lekarzy weterynarii

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Genetyka schorzeń układu ruchu


Lequarre A.S., Andersson L., Andre C., Fredholm M., Hitte C., Leeb T., Lohi H., Lindblad-Toh K., Georges M.: LUPA: A European initiative taking advantage of the canine genome architecture for unravelling complex disorders in both human and dogs. “The Veterinary Journal”, 2011; 189 (2): 155-9.

Safra N., Bassuk A.G., Ferguson P.J., Aguilar M., Coulson R.L., Thomas N., Hitchens P.L., Dickinson P.J., Vernau K.M., Wolf Z.T. et al.: Genome-Wide Association Mapping in Dogs Enables Identification of the Homeobox Gene, NKX2-8, as a Genetic Component of Neural Tube Defects in Humans. “Journal PLoS ONE Genet.”, 2013; 9 (7): e1003646.

Goldstein O., Guyon R., Kukekova A., Kuznetsova T.N., Pearce-Kelling S.E., Johnson J., Aguirre G.D., Acland G.M.: COL9A2 and COL9A3 mutations in canine autosomal recessive oculoskeletal dysplasia. “Mamm Genome”, 2010; 21 (7-8): 398-408.

Frischknecht M., Niehof-Oellers H., Jagannathan V., Owczarek-Lipska M., Drogemuller C., Dietschi E., Dolf G., Tellhelm B., Lang J., Tiira K. et al.: A COL11A2 mutation in Labrador retrievers with mild disproportionate dwarfism. “Journal PLoS ONE”, 2013; 8 (3):e60149.

Bobinac D., Spanjol J., Zoricic S., Maric I.: Changes in articular cartilage and subchondral bone histomorphometry in osteoarthritic knee joints in humans. “Bone”, 2003; 32 (3): 284-90.

Lavrijsen I.C.M., Leegwater P.A.J., Martin A.J., Harris S.J., Tryfonidou M.A., Heuven H.C.M., Hazewinkel H.A.W.: Genome Wide Analysis Indicates Genes for Basement Membrane and Cartilage Matrix Proteins as Candidates for Hip Dysplasia in Labrador Retrievers. “Journal PLoS ONE”, 2014; 9 (1): e87735.

Zhou Z., Sheng X., Zhang Z., Zhao K., Zhu L., Guo G., Friedenberg S.G., Hunter L.S., Vandenberg-Foels W.S., Hornbuckle W.E. et al.: Differential Genetic Regulation of Canine Hip Dysplasia and Osteoarthritis. “Journal PLoS ONE”, 2010; 5 (10): e13219.

Pfahler S., Distl O.: Identification of Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) for Canine Hip...

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