Dysplazja stawu biodrowego

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Dysplazja stawu biodrowego – ocena ryzyka i podejmowanie decyzji


Verhoeven G., Fortrie R., Van Ryssen B., Coopman F.: Worldwide Screening for Canine Hip Dysplasia: Where Are We Now? „Vet Surg”, 2012; 41 (1): 10-9.

Fischer A., Flack A., Tellhelm B., Failing K., Kramer M., Thiel C.: Static and dynamic ultrasonography for the early diagnosis of canine hip dysplasia. „J Small Anim Pract”, 2010, 51 (11): 582-8.

Hou Y., Wang Y., Lu X., Zhang X., Zhao Q., Todhunter R.J., Zhang Z.: Monitoring Hip and Elbow Dysplasia Achieved Modest Genetic Improvement of 74 Dog Breeds over 40 Yearsin USA. „PLOS ONE”, 2013; 8 (10): e76390.

Lewis T., Blott S., Woolliams J.: Comparative analyses of genetic trends and prospects for selection against hip and elbow dysplasia in 15 UK dog breeds. „BMC Genetics”, 2013; 14 (1): 16.

Farese J.P., Todhunter R.J., Lust G., Williams A.J., Dykes N.L.: Dorsolateral subluxation of hip joints in dogs measured in a weight-bearing position with radiography and computed tomography. „Vet Surg”, 1998; 27 (5): 393-405.

Fluckiger M.A., Friedrich G.A., Binder H.: A radiographic stress technique for evaluation of coxofemoral joint laxity in dogs. „Vet Surg”, 1999; 28 (1): 1-9.

Barr A.R.S., Denny H.R., Gibbs C.: Clinical hip dysplasia in growing dogs: the long-term results.of conservative management. „J Small Anim Pract”, 1987; 28 (4): 243-52.

Farrell M., Clements D.N., Mellor D., Gemmill T., Clarke S.P., Arnott J.L., Bennett D., Carmichael S.: Retrospective evaluation of the long-term outcome of non-surgical management of 74 dogs with clinical hip dysplasia. „Vet Rec”, 2007; 160 (15): 506-11.

Hayes G.M., Ramirez J., Langley Hobbs S.J.: Use of the Cumulative Summation Technique to Quantitatively Assess a Surgical Learning Curve: Canine Total Hip Replacement. „Vet. Surg.”, 2011; 40 (1): 1-5.

dr Dylan ClementsThe University of EdinburghThe Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies and The Roslin InstituteRoslin, EH25 7RG, Szkocja

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