Chirurgia dróg oddechowych Syndrom brachycefaliczny – wprowadzenie
Respiratory surgery. Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome – introduction
Brachycephalic breeds are usually distinguished from mesocephalic and dolichocephalic breeds by their shortened skull and open orbitae. They also show various characteristics of young animals (Lauruschkus 1942). Breeds usually recognized as brachycephalic breeds by these definitions include: Boston terrier, English and French Bulldogs, Pug, Pekingese, Shi-Tzu and Cavalier King Charles spaniel. Large-breed dogs as Boxers, Dogue de Bordeaux, Bull-mastiffs as well as some miniature breeds such as Yorkshire Terriers and miniature Pinschers are also often included in this list. Brachycephalic breeds are very popular. In addition, breeding for extreme brachycephalia has led to an almost complete loss of the nose and even more severe malformation of the pharynx and larynx. Overall, the severity of the symptoms associated with this malformation appears to have increased over recent decades, with very young dogs being presented with severely obstructed breathing patterns.
The brachycephalic syndrome
Upper respiratory syndrome has been described in brachycephalic dogs. Clinical signs usually include snoring, inspiratory dyspnea, exercise intolerance, stridor, cyanosis or even syncopal episodes in more severe cases. Labored breathing is accompanied by overdilation of the chest, since a higher intrathoracic negative pressure tends to suck the abdomen into the thoracic cavity. These problems are usually aggravated with stress, exercise or heat. Affected animals suffer from lifelong respiratory distress, particularly in elevated ambient temperatures. In addition, many owners describe signs of regurgitation, vomiting and dysphagia when their brachycephalic dogs get excited or are in respiratory distress. Dysphagia in brachycephalic dog has also been reported in the literature (Hendricks 1992; Hobson 1995; Bright and White 1997; Ducarouge 2002; Koch et al. 2003). Recent studies have demonstrated a hig...
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