Badanie rezonansem magnetycznym niskopolowym stawów łokciowych u psa - Vetkompleksowo – serwis dla lekarzy weterynarii

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Badanie rezonansem magnetycznym niskopolowym stawów łokciowych u psa


Agnello K.A., Puchalski S.M., Wisner E.R., Schulz K.S., Kapatkin A.S.: Effect of positioning, scan plane and arthrography on visibility of periarticular canine shoulder soft tissue structures on magnetic resonance images. „Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound”, 2008, 49: 529-539. Baeumlin Y., De Rycke L., Van Caelenberg A., Van Bree H., Gielen I.: Magnetic resonance imaging of the canine elbow: an anatomic study. „Veterinary Surgery”, 2009, 39: 566-573. Cook C.R., Cook J.L.: Diagnostic imaging of canine elbow dysplasia: a review. „Veterinary Surgery”, 2009, 38:144-153. Gavin P.R., Bagley R.S.: Practical small animal MRI. 1st ed., Wiley-Blackwell, USA, Iowa, 2009. Gold G.E., Chen C.A., Koo S., Hargreaves B.A., Bangerter N.K.: Recent advances in MRI of articular cartilage. „AJR American Journal of Roentgenology”, 2009, 193: 628-638. Herzog R.J.: Magnetic resonance of the elbow. „Magnetic Resonance Quarterly”, 1993, 9: 188-210. Hill N.B. Jr, Bucchieri J.S., Shon F., Miller T.T., Rosenwasser M.P.: Magnetic Resonance imaging of the injury to the medial collateral ligament of the elbow: a cadaver model. „Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery”, 2000, 9: 418-422. Reichle J.K., Snaps F.: The elbow. „Clinical Techniques in Small Animal Practice”, 1999, 14: 177-186. Schaefer S.L., Forrest L.J.: Magnetic resonance imaging of the canine shoulder: an anatomic study. „Veterinary Surgery”, 2006, 35: 721-728. Soler M., Murciano J., Latorre R., Belda E., Rodriguez M.J., Agut A.: Ultrasonographic, computed tomographic and magnetic resonance imaging anatomy of the normal canine stifle joint. „Veterinary Journal”, 2007, 174: 351-361. Thibaud J.L., Monnet A., Bertoldi D., Barthelemy I., Blot S., Carlier P.G.: Characterization of dystrophic muscle in golden retriever muscular dystrophy dogs by nuclear magnetic resonanc...

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