Choroby pochwy u suk i kotek – wypadnięcie pochwy - Vetkompleksowo – serwis dla lekarzy weterynarii

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Choroby pochwy u suk i kotek – wypadnięcie pochwy


Alan M., Cetin Y., Sendag S., Eski F.: True vaginal prolapse in a bitch. „Anim. Reprod. Sci.”, 2007, 100, 411-414.

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Gouletsou P.G., Galatos A.D., Apostolidis K., Sideri A.I.: Vaginal fold prolapse during the last third of pregnancy, followed by normal parturition, in a bitch. „Anim. Reprod. Sci.”, 2009, 112, 371-376.

Gudermuth D.F., Concannon P.W., Daels P.F., Laslel B.L.: Pregnancy-specific elevations in fecal concentrations of estradiol, testosterone and progesterone in domestic dog (Canis familiaris). „Theriogenology”, 1998, 50, 237-248.

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Luz M.R., Bertan C.M., Binelli M., Lopes M.D.: Plasma concentrations of 13, 14-dihydro-15-keto prostaglandin F2-alpha (PGFM), progesterone and estradiol in pregnant and nonpregnant diestrus cross-bred bitches. „Theriogenology”, 2006, 66, 1436-1441.

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McKelvey K.A., Beachler T.M., Ferris K.K., Diaw M., Vasgaard J.M., Bailey C.S.: Vaginal prolapse in a pregnant Maine coon cat: a case report. „J. Small Anim. Pract.”, 2015, 56, 473-475.

Memon M.A., Pavletic M.M., Kumar M.S.: Chronic vaginal prolapse during pregnancy in a bitch. „J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc.”, 1993, 202, 295-297.

Mostachio G.Q., Vicente W.R., Cardilli D.J., Pires E.A., Toniollo G.H.: Anovulvar cleft and vaginal prolapse-hyperplasia in a bitch. „J. Small Anim. Pract.” 2007, 48, 713-715.

Nak D., Nak Y., Yilmazbas G.: First report of vaginal prolapse in an ovariohysterectomised bitch – a case report. „Bull. Vet. Inst. Pulawy”, 2008, 52, 208, 397-398.


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