Migotanie przedsionków - Vetkompleksowo – serwis dla lekarzy weterynarii

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Migotanie przedsionków


Noszczyk-Nowak A., Michałek M., Kałuża E., Cepiel A., Pasławska U.: Prevalence of Arrhythmias in Dogs Examined between 2008 and 2014. „J Vet Res”, 2017, 61 (1), 103-110.

Szlosek D.A., Castaneda E.L., Grimaldi D.A., Spake A.K., Estrada A.H., Gentile-Solomon J.: Frequency of arrhythmias detected in 9440 feline electrocardiograms by breed, age, and sex. „J Vet Cardiol”, 2024, 51, 116-123.

Iwasaki Y.K., Nishida K., Kato T., Nattel S.: Atrial fibrillation pathophysiology: implications for management. „Circulation”, 2011, 124 (20), 2264-2274.

Pedro B., Fontes-Sousa A.P., Gelzer A.R.: Canine atrial fibrillation: Pathophysiology, epidemiology and classification. „Vet J”, 2020, 265, 105548.

Fousse S.L., Tyrrell W.D., Dentino M.E., Abrams F.L., Rosenthal S.L., Stern J.A.: Pedigree analysis of atrial fibrillation in Irish wolfhounds supports a high heritability with a dominant mode of inheritance. „Canine Genet Epidemiol”, 2019, 6, 11.

Noszczyk-Nowak A., Pasławska U., Zyśko D., Gajek J., Nicpoń J., Hebel M.: Migotanie przedsionków u psów. „Medycyna Weterynaryjna”, 2008, 64, 686-689.

Pedro B., Fontes-Sousa A.P., Gelzer A.R.: Diagnosis and management of canine atrial fibrillation. „Vet J”, 2020, 265, 105549.

Gelzer A.R., Kraus M.S.: Management of atrial fibrillation. „Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract”, 2004, 34 (5), 1127.

Gelzer A.R., Kraus M.S., Rishniw M.: Evaluation of in-hospital electrocardiography versus 24-hour Holter for rate control in dogs with atrial fibrillation. „J Small Anim Pract”, 2015, 56 (7), 456-462.

Baron Toaldo M., Mazzoldi C., Romito G. et al.: Echocardiographic predictors of first onset of atrial fibrillation in dogs with myxomatous mitral valve disease. „J Vet Intern Med”, 2020, 34 (5), 1787-1793.

Pariaut R.: Atrial Fibrillation: Current Therapies. „Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract”, 2017, 47 (5), 977-988.

Moïse N.S., Pariaut R., Gelzer A.R., Kraus M.S., Jung S.W.: Cardioversion with lidocaine o...

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