Kontrola rui i owulacji podczas zabiegu sztucznej inseminacji u świń - Vetkompleksowo – serwis dla lekarzy weterynarii

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Kontrola rui i owulacji podczas zabiegu sztucznej inseminacji u świń


Driancourt M.A., Locatelli A., Prunier A.: Effects of gonadotrophin deprivation on follicular growth in gilts. „Reprod Nutr Dev”, 1995, 35, 663-673.Brussow K.P., Jochle W., Huhn U.: Control of ovulation with GnRH analog in gilts and sows. „Theriogenology”, 1996, 46, 925-934.Driancourt M.A., Cox P., Rubion S., Harnois-Milon G., Kemp B., Soede N.M.: Induction of an LH surge and ovulation by buserelin (as Receptal) allows breeding of weaned sows with a single fixed-time insemination. „Theriogenology”, 2013, 80, 391-399.Kirkwood R.N., Aherne F.X., Foxcroft G.R.: Effect of PG600 at weaning on reproductive performance of primiparous sows. „J Swine Health Prod”, 1998, 6, 51-55.Kirkwood R.N., Kauffold J.: Advances in breeding management and use of ovulation induction for fixed-time AI. „Reprod Dom Anim”, 2015, 50, 85-89.Knox R.V., Rodrigues-Zas S., Miler G.M., Walenburg K.J., Robb J.A.: Administration of PG600 in sows at weaning and the time of ovulation as determined by transrectal ultrasound. „J Anim Sci”, 2001, 79, 796-802.Tummaruk P., Roongsitthichai A., De Rensis F.: Ovulation induction in sow. „Thai J Vet Med Suppl”, 2011, 51, 19-23.Guthrie H.D., Bolt D.J., Cooper B.S.: Effects of gonadotropin treatment 383 on ovarian follicle growth and granulosal cell aromatase activity in prepuberal gilts. „Anim Sci”, 1990, 68, 3719-3726.Manjarin R., Cassar G., Sprecher D.J., Friendship R.M., Dominguez J.C., Kirkwood R.N.: Effect of eCG or eCG Plus hCG on oestrus expression and ovulation in prepubertal gilts. „Reprod Domest Anim”, 2009, 44, 411-413.Eckhardt O.H., Martins S.M., Pinese M.E., Horta F.C., Rosseto A.C., Torres M.A., De Andrade A.F., Muro B.B., Marino C.T., Rodrigues P.H., Moretti A.S.: Gonadotropin induced puberty does not impair reproductive performance of gilts over three parities. „Reprod Domest Anim.”, 2014, 49, 964-969.Brüssow K.P., Schneider F., Kanitz W., Rátky J., Kauffold J., Wähner M.: Studies on fixed-time ovulation induction in the pig...

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