Specyfika chorób skóry u owczarków niemieckich – obserwacje własne - Vetkompleksowo – serwis dla lekarzy weterynarii

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Specyfika chorób skóry u owczarków niemieckich – obserwacje własne


Auxilia S.T., Hill P.B., Thoday K.L.: Canine symmetrical lupoid onychodystrophy: a retrospective study with particular reference to management. „J. Small. Anim. Pract.”, 2001, 42,82-7.Carlotti D.N., Jacobs D.: Therapy, control and prevention o flea allergy dermatitis in dogs and cats. „Vet. Derm.”, 2000, 11, 83-98.Chabanne L., Marchal T., Denerolle P., Magnol J.P, Furnel C., Monier J.C, Rigal D.: Lymphocyte subset abnormalities in German shepherd dog pyoderma (GSP). „Vet. Immunol. Immunopat.”, 1995, 49, 189-198.Denerolle P., Bourdoiseau G., Magnol J.-P., Ulpat C., Chabanne L.: German shepheard dog pyoderma: a prospective study of 23 cases. „Vet. Derm.”, 1998, 19, 243-248.Guaguere E.: Topical treatment of canine and feline pyoderma. „Vet. Derm.”, 1996, 7, 145-151.Ihrke P.J., DeManuelle T.C.: German Dog Pyoderma [In:] An Overview and Antimicrobial Menanagement Third International Veterinary Symposium On Baytril Proceedings Sevilla, 11-12 March 1999.Ihrke P.J., Papich M.G., DeManuelle T.C.: The use of fluoroquinolones in veterinary dermatology. „Vet. Derm.”, 1999, 10, 193-204.Knottenbelt C.M., Herrtage M.E.: Use of proligestone in the management of three German shepherd dogs with pituitary dwarfism. „J. Small Anim. Pract.”, 2002, 43, 164-170.Koch H.J. Peters S.: Antimicrobal therapy in German Shepherd dog pyoderma(GSP). An open clinical study. „Vet. Derm.”, Vol. 1996, 7, 177-181.Kunkle G.A., Jones P.: Petty Immediate intradermal flea antigen reactivity in clinically normal adult dogs from South Florida, USA. „Vet. Derm.”, 2000, 11, 9-12.Mecklenburg L., Linek M., Tobin D.: Heir loss disorders in domestic animals. Wiley-Blackwell, Ames 2009.Mueller R.S., Rosychuk R.A.W., Jonas L.D.: A Retrospective Study Regarding the Treatment of Lupoid Onychodystrophy in 30 Dogs and Literature Review. „J. Am. Anim. Hosp. Assoc.”, 2003, 39, 139-150.Nødtvedt A., Gamlem H., Gunnes G., Grotmol T., Indrebø A., Moe L.: Breed differences in the proportional morbidity of...

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