Alergia pokarmowa a potencjalne zafałszowania składu karm dla psów - Vetkompleksowo – serwis dla lekarzy weterynarii

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Alergia pokarmowa a potencjalne zafałszowania składu karm dla psów


Espiñeira M., Vieites J.M.: Detection of dog and cat traces in food, pet food and farm animal feed by real-time PCR. „European Food Research and Technology”, 2015, 241, 2, 233-238. Hołda K., Natonek-Wiśniewska M., Krzyścin P., Głogowski R.: Qualitative and quantitative detection of chicken deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in dry dog foods. „Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition”, 2018, 102, 37-42. Horvath-Ungerboeck C., Widmann K., Handl S.: Detection of DNA from undeclared animal species in commercial elimination diets for dogs using PCR. „Veterinary Dermatology”, 2017, 28, 4, 373-386. Kanakubo K., Fascetti A.J., Larsen J.A.: Determination of mammalian deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in commercial vegetarian and vegan diets for dogs and cats. „Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition”, 2017, 101, 1: 70-74. Maine I.R., Atterbury R., Chang K.C.: Investigation into the animal species contents of popular wet pet foods. „Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica”, 2015, 57, 1, 7. Mueller R.S., Olivry T., Prélaud P.: Critically appraised topic on adverse food reactions of companion animals (2): common food allergen sources in dogs and cats. „BMC Veterinary Research”, 2016, 12, 1, 9. Mueller R.S., Unterer S.: Adverse food reactions: Pathogenesis, clinical signs, diagnosis and alternatives to elimination diets. „The Veterinary Journal”, 2018, 236, 89-95. Okuma T.A., Hellberg R.S.: Identification of meat species in pet foods using a real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay. „Food Control”, 2015, 50, 9-17. Olivry T., Mueller R.S.: Critically appraised topic on adverse food reactions of companion animals (5): discrepancies between ingredients and labeling in commercial pet foods. „BMC Veterinary Research”, 2018, 14, 1, 24. Parr J.M., Remillard R.L.: Common confounders of dietary elimination tri...

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