Nowoczesne metody diagnostyki patogenów mastitis
Hiitiö H., Pyörälä S., Taponen S., Rajala-Schultz P., Simojoki H.: Elimination of experimentally induced bovine intramammary infection assessed by multiplex real-time PCR and bacterial culture. „Journal of Dairy Science”, 2018, 101, 6, 5267-5276.
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Alhussien M.N. et al.: Sensitive and rapid lateral-flow assay for early detection of subclinical mammary infection in dairy cows. „Sci Rep”, 2020, 10, 11161.
Kalorey D.R. et al.: Evaluation of indirect and avidin-biotin enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for detection of antilisteriolysin O antibodies in bovine milk samples. „Zoonoses Public Health”, 2007, 54, 301-306.
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